I just started two books that were recommended to me:
Powerful and Feminine: How to Increase Your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention You Want by Rachael Jayne Groover and Secrets of An American Geisha by Py Kim Conant. The former a spiritual/energetic guide to becoming more feminine. The author focuses on what you can do internally to exert your power as a woman.
The second book is more about external changes (e.g., lose weight) to attract and keep the man you want. Its focus is on dating, relationships and choosing a good man.
Both approaches have merit. After all, if you're seeking to be in a relationship, you should use everything in your arsenal. I find that most women focus on making superficial changes without making the internal changes that, in my opinion, are FAR more effective. There's nothing wrong with putting a lot of work into how you look; if I believed that, I wouldn't be writing this blog. But you should also change the way you think about yourself. Once both the internal and external are balanced, you'll be unstoppable.
Self-confidence is as much an aphrodisiac as a shapely body or gorgeous face so why not have it all?